Tuesday, August 4, 2009

UUUmmmm I think I'm freaking Out

** Warning....Kinda Gross Details**

So I have been on this wanting to loose weright kick, well kind of, in my mind anyways. I just haven't been able to get motivated to do it. So a while back Frank had bought me some weight loss pills to try (I have never taken ANY kind before) and I had tried them, but then there was a lot going on and I was traveling a lot and couldn't stay on schedule so I had quit taking them.

Well this morning I get up and say to myself I am starting over and this time I will do it right. So I get my healthy breakfast ready and my pill and take it with no problems, get on with my morning, did some exercies, cleaned some house, went outside to play and BAM! We are playing outside and all the sudden I feel this rush (I thought I was going to throw up it hit so fast). I couldn't figure out what was going on. I felt like I was shaking all on the inside and the insides were about to come out of my body. I couldn't figure out what was wrong. I had exercised, eaten breakfast and OOHHHHH taken pills. So I go and get the DIET/CRAZY pills so I can read the fine print and there is says CAFFEINE and LOTS of it. Man cokes have nothing on caffeine. I felt like I needed to jerk my body around so that it could keep up with all the freaking out my insides were doing.

Called Frank and said "I am freakin out man." After his good laugh he said ya that's a lot of caffeine for your little body. Ha Ha Ha

So needless to say I am going back to my old ways and exercise it is for me.

Hopefully. Maybe. HA..HA HA Good Luck to Mom.

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