Monday, June 28, 2010

Our Weekend

We had a pretty good weekend!
Miss Natalie got a surprise and got to go to Gulf Shores with our friends the Hess'. She left Friday night and won't be home until the 3rd. I am missing her SO much. Thank goodness Kim is sending me pics.

Marcus was bored without her. He would never admit it, but totally was. Friday night we had grandmommy and Apryl and Frank's 1/2 sister Ariel over. We haven't seen her since Natalie was a baby. it was nice! Good dinner! Saturday we were pretty lazy. Hung out at the house for a while then went into town and walked around the promenade a little bit. Went to eat at Red Robin. Ever since they have started that commercial where the kids are playing hid and seek and say Red Robin me and Marcus have been saying we need a burger from there. :) It was good! Then Marcus got to pick a game for the Wii. That's how he decided to spend his money. That night my wonderful hubby talked me into watching Shutter Island. During and right after the movie I was thinking "this is one messed up movie" Frank even commented "who would even think of this stuff." Now I look back and knowing the end wouldn't mind watching it again to process everything. Sunday morning we finally made it to church!!!!! Oh man have we all missed being there. Well everyone but Aden. He is at the stage where he doens't want to be left. We have been told that as long as they don't look at him then he doens't cry. Silly boy. On the way home we stopped by Braums and got us some tubs of ice cream and then came home and chowed down. Momma and the babies took naps!! Much needed! Then we all got up and got ready to go to town. We were going to go to the Celebrate America at the new Orchard's park, but it started storming right as it was starting. !Bummer! We did get to see our Anderson friends for a few minutes! Been missing them. We also made it to the snow cone stand "Frozen Tung" before it closed so that was a good thing. Once we got home we let the babies play in the rain on the back porch for a while. They thought it was great! Too much fun. Sunday night we all wastched a movie from our Netflix que, then off to bed.

It was the first weekend we have had in months where we didn't have plans
and was able to hang out and go when we wanted too!

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Big Kids Project

So every other day to help keep Marcus and Natalie's brains active they have to do some kind of project with stuff from around the house. Today's was making their own homade cookies with the left over candy bar pieces we had. Natalie's were M&M's and Marcus were mixed pieces of snickers, kit kat and twix!
They are proud!

Fun Family Weekend!

An overview of our weekend! Friday my mom and nana came up to visit. We watched the kids play in the back yard, watched Marcus, Natalie and dad get the new basketball goal unloaded and ate coke floats. It was a good evening! Frank and I got to go on a date. We haven't had a date since Christmas so it was much enjoyed! We went to the movies and watched A-Team. It was a good action and comedy all in one. We got a bunch of candy to take with us and I of course made myself sick eating so much. We were both making jokes at each other b/c our movie started at 10pm and we were both yawning the whole way there.
Saturday AM we woke up bright and early and Me, mom, nana, Bella and Natalie all went to garage sales. We had SO much fun! We all found lots of goodies, ate donuts for breakfast and ended up getting way to hot. Once we got home and all the kiddo's had showed off their goods we all took naps. After naps we all got together in the kitchen and made salads, lasagna, ate some watermelon AND made cake! We were totally stuffed! After clean up we just hung out and talked and watched the kids clown. That night we took Marcus, Natalie and Bella to the drive in. All of us watched Toy Story 3 which was so cute. By the time that was over all the girls were asleep in the car and the guys watched Prince of Persia. Through the whole night there was a lightening show behind us. It was really cool to see. Wish I would have had the camera. Overall a good night.
Sunday AM we all slepted in then mom and the kids went to WM to gets dad's goods for Father's Day. Came home ate dad's yummy pancakes and then said our goodbyes to mamaw and nana. The rest of the day was pure laziness!

It was a great weekend spent with family! I am learning that I need to take more pics to share.

Friday, June 18, 2010

This week in Pics

Some pics of our week......
Natalie's first day of summer and she's up doing practice pages.

The kiddo's had a blast in the sprinkler on a Very Hot day!
Mom and Marcus' team WON the Playoffs! 2010 Champs!

Aden covered in Vaseline. Glad I was at the store. :)

This was our Monday. Going to the Hospital to get glue.
I love watching Aden play with his cars!

Wednesday, June 16, 2010


Philippians 4:19 - And my God will supply EVERY need of yours according to HIS riches and Glory in Jesus Christ.

I thank you God for All the blessings in my life. I ask for forgiveness for overlooking all that I already have, for any selfishness I have in my heart. I ask that my heart and mind will continually seek you daily/hourly for your will to be done in everything I do.

I am THANKFUL for the children God has given me to care for, love and teach, I am THANKFUL for the man God chose for me and the relationship he guides us through daily, I am THANKFUL for the jobs we have been given to do all we can for God, I am THANKFUL for the food (good and bad) we have to nurish our bodies with daily, I am THANKFUL for the home we have to live in, the cars we have to drive, the love we have in our hearts, the friends we have to learn from and Most of All today I am THANKFUL for the FREEDOM to love my God.

I want to seek God's face daily for his teaching, love, guidance and protection in life. For me, my husand, my children and all family and friends.

Psalm 119:59 - When I think on my ways, I turn my feet to your testimonies;
I Peter 1:14 - As obedient children, do not be conformed to the passions of your former ignorance;

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Marcus' Boo Boo

As gross as this is why Frank and Marcus got to spend 2 1/2 hours at the (crappy) Bentonville ER Monday night.

My smart son decided to stick his finger in a whole where a screw should go in his metal framed bunk bed. Needless to say the bed won. After attempting to hide it from mom he came out of the bathroom with blood on his clothes and when I asked him "what's bleeding" he pulls the bloody hand out of his pocket. Luckily dad got home within minutes and they were off to the hospital leaving mom to clean up the mess he had left in the bathroom. Ended up getting it glued and banadaged.

I'm tellin ya there is always something going on.
Usually it does include some kind of HUGE Dr. bill.

Monday, June 14, 2010

A little too much FUN in the SUN!

This past weekend we took the kids to White Water. This was out first venture there. The kids had so much fun! They loved the water. There was so much to do for the babies and the bigger kids. The lines weren't too long at all. Everyone had a good time. Hannah, Pete and the babies went with us. We didn't take any camera's or phones in so we have no pics which kinda stinks. I got over heated (even though I didn't feel it). Even though Aden got tired as long as we didn't stop he was fine. At first he was a little sceptic about all the water. He isn't a fan of being splashed, but after standing back for a few and watching all the other kiddo's he was all in. Bella loved it from the start. She went down any and all slides she was able. We had a picnic lunch and the kiddo's did good. No fits. Everyone ate their lunch and then we were back in the water. The wave pool is my favorite. For 15 minutes it's a regular pool and then for 10 min. they do waves. The waves are pretty big and get bigger the longer it's on. Marcus and Natalie loved that. Bella loved to jump the waves. Aden wasn't sure at first b/c they nearly knocked him down but our last venture in he was all about it. He kept trying to walk farther into the pool. The waves didn't let him go to far.

Overall it was lots of fun, the place was clean, we rented a semi-cabana so we had shade, a locker, a table and chairs to rest. We will definately be going back soon! Next time we will take some pics!

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Housekeeping BLAH! Ants DOUBLE Blah!

I am currently at this point where I am SICK and TIRED of cleaning house. Since it's on the market to be sold I HAVE to keep it clean. So my daily routine includes LOTS of cleaning. With 6-9 of us in the house at once all day it needs constant picking up, cleaning, sweeping at least 4 times, mopping at least 2 times, disinfecting, and some DEODORIZING to make it not smell like diapers. :) Even though I do all this DAILY there is 1 little enemy that I can't keep out. ANTS. Honestly my arch enemy. No matter what I do I can NOT keep them OUT. Eveytime I treat for them they will stay gone for maybe a week and then they are back. I HATE them and they LOVE to torment me. I WILL beat them. If it's my daily/weekly/monthly goal I WILL win.

i HoPe.

Friday, June 4, 2010

My babies first haircuts

Here are a few photo's of Bella's first haircut and Aden's first trim. They were so good about it. Aden tried so hard. The second the hair hit the eyes he was yellin done.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Craziness Stage

So I believe we all go through many stages in life.
Sometimes the same stage happens more than once in our lives.

Right now we are very much so going through the craziness stage. So many times when someone has come to me and told me about all the craziness in their lives I always say "It's life and you just have to live it." Right now at this moment I am having a hard time taking my own advice.

It just seems like it's never ending. Everything going on with Marcus is so overwelming for everyone. It seems like 1 minute things are going good and it's going to be back to normal and then boom when you least expect it something happens. I love this boy so much. I pray daily I am making the right decisions for him and loving him as I should. Always pleading God's blood over him for protection and God's consuming love over him for peace and guidance.

Right now we are also hanging by a thread over all this real estate stuff. As of right now I am NOT a fan of realtors. They are about as bad as car sales men.....if not worse. We have been working on our credit for some time now. It seems like no matter how much we work on it there is always something else there. Especially now with the medical bills. So we are just weeks away from being approved for a home loan. We moved in our current house with hopes to buy it. Now that we have been in it and see all the problems it has and some that we can't see, but have learned it has it's a constant battle on what's the best thing to do. We have moved soooo many times in our lives. We really didn't want to have to do it again. We hate moving the kids schools. They are even sick of moving.

Now we are haveing to sit through strangers coming through the house, while I am here with all the kiddo's, to decide if they want to buy it. I so badly want to point out all the flaws. One thing I have learned about Frank and I is that we are WAY to gullable. People just eat us right up and spit us out.

So many prayers and studying happening right now. Trying to take in all that I am suppose to. Needing guidance in every move I make to make the right decisions with finding our home, taking care of our kids, taking care of others babies, being a good wife and friend.

It's this little thing called life and we all must live it!