Thursday, October 15, 2009

Magical Moments from Chicken Soup for the Soul

An insert that I read today and LOVED. Made me feel like my life is normal after all.


"Maa-maaa!" My two-year-old daughter, Alex, called from her crib. I bounded up the stairs, excited to have the whole day to play with her. I was now, officially, a stay-at-home mom. Lucky enough to have the option, I'd made a tough decision and quit my job as a registered nurse.
"Ready for some fun?" I picked up Alex and gave her a tight squeeze, grateful to finally have the time to conquer all the "mommy-and-me" projects I'd collected from parenting magazines. I could never get to them on weekends, and I was ready to catch up. Alex and I would make animal masks out of paper plates in the morning and homemade Play-Doh in the afternoon. For lunch, I'd use cookie cutters to make edible figurines out of American cheese slices. After her nap, we'd make gift wrap using Alex's handprints. My life could finally be full of the magical moments I imagined filled up the days of stay-at-home mothers everywhere.
While singing nursery rhymes, I poured pancake batter into heart-shaped molds, a breakfast that literally showed my love. As I handed Alex her plate, I took a deep breath of satisfaction; she looked so sweet in her new dress and matching hair bow. The day was ours to enjoy. I turned my back for only a second and was shocked to turn back around to find Alex covered in syrup. I'd imagined pushing my princess through the grocery store in her new outfit, while white-haired ladies nodded approvingly over their shopping carts. The fantasy would have to wait. By the time I changed her clothes, cleaned up the breakfast mess, started the laundry, changed a stinky pull-up, and answered two phone calls, I was already way behind schedule. When would I have time to fit in my list of magical moments? On my way out the door, I noticed a note from my husband telling me to please Express Mail the important papers he'd left on his desk to our accountant. The note went on to say that he needed his shirts from the dry cleaners for tomorrow's business trip, and since I no longer worked and had the whole day, could I make his favorite pot roast for dinner?
I sighed. "Well, Alex. We better get moving."
The line at the post office was out the door with only one clerk on duty. Intrigued by all the packaging materials, Alex kept getting away from me to touch everything. I didn't see the harm until…crash! She knocked over a display of assorted envelopes. I sheepishly cleaned up the mess, thankful a nice man took pity on me and saved my place in line.
From there, we finally headed off to the dry cleaners, but Alex fell asleep in the car. I wanted to run in and leave her napping, but I sensed child abductors lurking everywhere and decided to just go home and let her sleep in peace.
As soon as I turned off the car engine, Alex's eyes shot open and she wailed out a tired cry. As I carried her into the house, I sobbed with her, my high expectations spilling out with my tears. What happened to our perfect day?
When did stay-at-home moms fit in all those quality child-parent activities? I wouldn't even let myself think about my other goals to commit to a regular exercise schedule and start an at-home business. I had really been clueless about this stay-at-home-mom stuff.
Hugging my precious daughter, we rocked and sniffled together. "You're my honey-bear," I whispered, feeling the weight of her sink into me. Her eyes gently shut, and I held her until she fell back asleep in my arms. I stroked the soft hair that curled above her neck and breathed in her smell, a mixture of sweat and maple syrup. Taking a deep breath, I relaxed for the first time that day. I was there with my daughter, forgetting about my to-do list, and it felt good.
Still, it took years for me to realize that such moments were the best and far surpassed the ones I tried to invent with heart-shaped pancakes or processed cheese sculptures. The less I tried to create life's magical moments, the more I was able to notice them when they naturally happened. And they were even more delicious as surprises.

Sometimes I honestly get so caught up in life, the many, many, many things to do in life that I don't see these things.

Like Bella, she is so independant. I don't even realize how much she just does herself. Even at times when I try to help her and she tells me she can do it herself, and then really does without incident.

Or Marcus, who most of the time is driving me batty, actually does something without me telling him to. I am so used to having to hover and tell him every move to make that sometimes I find I don't notice when he actually does it.

Natalie is so helpful. She is a little bossy but over all likes to help withour complaint. Sometimes she will come in and play with her little sister and brother and I will go off and start cleaning something and don't even recognize her for the help she is actually giving me.

My children are such a blessing. I thank God daily that he picked me to be in their lives.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Some Pictures!

The Welch's


Holy cow we have been so busy. The time is just flying by. Let's see we have football, football, football. Marcus' Jaguars team is kicking some booty this year. They are 3-0! Marcus has lost almost 15 lbs. since football started. He is very happy about that. He is still workin hard in school and loving it! All my pics of him are on Frank's phone, so I will have to add his pic's later.

Miss Natalie is enjoying Cheer. She actually has strained the muscles in her arm so she has been out this week. She's isn't happy about sitting out, but she can't hardly raise her arm so mom thinks it's best. She is all A's in school so far this year. If she even makes a B she gets all upset and says "mom I am not doing good, I am making bad grades." Somtimes I think she wants us to be mad at her for something. Silly girl. She is very happy go lucky fo the most part.

Our little Bella, with all the attitude in the world. I just thank goodness that her attitude isn't bad. Normally just the hand on the hip to talk. It's almost like there is a string attached from her mouth to her hand. If the mouth opens the hand goes on the hip. So funny. Hard not -----> to laugh sometimes. I started babysitting a little girl right at her age and they have been having lots of fun. She loves to color, paint, just about any kind of project she is up for. Her cousin's came to see us and they had fun playing also. We went to Chuck E Cheese and they had a blast. She didn't want them to go home and asks about when they are coming back almost daily.

Mr. Aden is almost 1. His birthday is alost here. He is almost walking, but doesn't want you to help him. He will just stop crawling right in the middle of the floor and stand up and try to take off. He loves to make messes. Laughs most of the time when you tell him no. Loves to play with all the kids. His new favorite toy is the red and blue car outside. He LOVES it. If he sees someone else sitting in it he will start crawling after them yelling and crying. Too Funny! Time is just flying. It seems like just last week I was stanging at Marcus' football game in labor. We will be going to Mena for his birthday. He is actually going to have his party with his cousins b/c they are all just days apart. As I sit here he is taking all the papers off my desk and throwing them in the floor. As I tell him NO he smiles at me and keeps going.

Life is good. We had been struggling for a while about looking for a new church. We have been feeling like God has been leading us somewhere else. We feel like we are needing something more. Finally we listened and what do you know God was right. :) We had an amazing service and reassurance. We are growing and listening to God. We are learning to not be ashamed to do and tell others about what God is doing in our lives. I have been led to start a new life group in NWA called NWA Christian Kids. It's a family group for all christian families to come together and fellowship and grow together in Christ. I am so proud that God has chosen little ol me. Don't ever think you aren't good enough, or why me? God knows what he is doing. I am asking for his guidance daily. He will lead me to the people he wants and those people to us. Frank got a promotion at work (well actually the just gave him the title and money to go along with what he was already doing). We weren't even expecting it. God is good and is always looking out for us. Patience is something I always talk about and I am learning all the time. It's paying off b/c this time I didn't even expect it. I am going to the specialist tomorrow to hopefully figure out what's going on with my stomach and get it fixed. I am ready to be fixed!

Enjoy Life!

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Falling into Changes

It's just about Fall and the weather is perfect. Although it has rained more than normal, I have enjoyed it. So with fall coming means schedules change and things get really busy again. Which I have come to like. When things are slow it throws me off and I get lazy.

So we have football for Marcus. So far they have played and won 1 game. Last nights game got canceled due to weather. He is loving it! Has friends from school on his team. Things this year are going well for him.

Natalie is enjoying cheer. I am just glad she is having fun b/c the parents and coach have had some issues, but at last Sat. game we were able to talk to the director (which just happens to be our coach's sister) about LOTS of our concerns and they are working on making some changes. We have our fingers crossed that we will see some real cheering, actually get our uniforms in before the season is over and not have a grouchy/look at me coach. It's not about her it's about our girls!

Miss Bella is loving all the going. She likes to be on the go. If she even sees us getting clothes on or shoes on she says "what's going on mom? What are we doing? or Let's go mom, I want to go bye-bye! She even cheers with Natalie sometimes at practice. She gets to play at the park at both Marcus' and Natalie's practices and at the field where they play/cheer. She has been a happy girl. She also is becoming very artistic. She has recently colored on 2 more walls in our house. I think her daddy is about to loose it. :) She loves to write, color, paint, any kind of artistic activities she is in!

Mr. Aden is getting too big too fast. He is just this week getting 2 more teeth on the top. He seems to always get 2 at a time. He is in the "my parents or brothers and sisters can't be out of my site" stage. He will go and start playing, but if he seems one of us he gets upset. Hopefully it won't last long. He pulls up on everything. From about a week of trying it he was all bruised up b/c he always wants to stand. He is crawling everywhere. He will even get on his hands and toes and stand up on his own, he wants to walk so bad. His birthday is next month and I am betting he will be walking by then. If his big brother and sister will stop picking him up. :) We just started giving him milk and he is doing fine with it, we are also using more cup and not so much bottle. That he doesn't mind unless he is tired, then he wants the bottle.

Frank is working hard, as always. He is also doing the P90X which he is really pumped about. He is really loosing weight though and gaining muscle. It's right up his alley so he is happy. That's pretty much all I hear about. :)

I have been feeling well this week. My Dr. apt. got canceled last week. I was bummed but we all had stomach flu so I really couldn't make it. I am looking forward to going though. I actually want to find out what's going on and get it fixed. As I have said before I am tired of being sick and tired. Laundry is still kickin my booty. Have a pile sitting right here staring at me. Guess I better go get busy with the day!

Friday, September 18, 2009

The gift of Kindness is a Blessing itself.

Have you ever heard it's better to give than receive?
Our church did a series on servolution a while back, and man we gave and gave and are still giving. You know at some point the thought of ok, what will my blessing be? (don't act like I just said something wrong you know it always happens). Well let me tell you that my blessing in return is the wonderful feeling I get just knowing that I am serving others for my God. I am working for him. That amazing breath of fresh air is all I need.

I am not a wealthy girl by any means. Lately getting to go to the grocery store every 2 weeks is all the shopping I get to do. Barely paying bills is hard. But we do it, we always make it through. One way or another it happens. We figure up our bills and it seems we don't have enough or will just barely have enough. BUT it always is.

God is so amazing. I love learning and growing through him.

So through the servolution we made sure our kiddo's were getting this message to. They helped pass out food at the ER, they helped pass out snacks and water to people in the hot weather, they helped give things (of their own) to the Children's Shelter and they helped pack the stuff up we received so we could take it. It felt good. They were proud that they were able to help. They even talked about helping at the shelter if they could. That made us proud. It's so good to see at times that your children have God in their hearts. That is another blessing in itself. I get so afraid sometimes with them having to be "in this world."

I haven't got to get out much lately with having no money and being sick. So yesterday was my first day with everyone well. I was thinking man I have SO much to do. Laundry, more cleaning, paying bills, just trying to catch up. So first thing in the morning I sat down and started reading in Mark. That alone gave me peace. I haven't been able to sit down and read in over a week. I just get to read as I walk past my Bible sitting open on the counter. I felt so peaceful. I just said that you God for helping me right now, I love you too! Throughout the day I just felt so at peace with everything I did. The laundry got started, the kids played/sang/read/fed, Marcus and Natalie came home with loads of homework from being sick so we worked on that and the day was peaceful. In the afternoon is when it normally gets more hectic. The kids come home, homework to be done, getting ready for their practices, dinner, clean up, showers and all that comes with it. Yesterday I had to go get groceries (we had nothing), Natalie had a PTC and practice and it was getting late fast. It seems as though things just always happen and I forget to breathe. Just go with the wind that blowing. I often have to find myself in it all. God giving me peace really helps. :)

So yesterday afternoon when I am trying to get everything done of course little things just keep poppin up, out of gas, lost my ATM card, have to drive clear across town to get Franks......ya things just happened. So I am starting to panic (my anxiety) thinking I am not going to make it to Aldi's and Sam's in time. They are going to be closed. And then God gave me peace, I just said Thank you Lord I hear you. I just told myself I am going to get in the van, drive to where I need to go and get the things I need to get. That's it.

I get to Aldi's with plenty of time to spare. While I'm there I see God's love and kindness happening through others, even if they don't realize it. There were 2 older ladies 2 carts in front of me, it was a mother and daughter and they were older. The daughter seemed a little stressed at the older mom. While they were putting their groceries on the belt some of their items fell off and went under their buggy. There was a Hispanic gentleman and a pregnant girl with 3 kids in between us. Well the man gets all the ladies items that fell and places them back on the belt. The older lady thanked him, with a surprised look on her face. You could tell she didn't expect it. I was proud at that moment, a simple act of kindness. The man then took his 3 kids to the car and left the pregnant girl to get the groceries. When she was up to the conveyor the older lady in front of her came back and helped her unload her groceries. A simple act of kindness. As the older ladies were packing their groceries into their bags one asked the worker where a certain product was b/c they couldn't find it. I was still standing in line and when I looked up I saw what she was asking for, so with a simple act of kindness I went over got the product for the lady and got it for them. I was so proud of those little things that God had done right there. I felt so blessed to see and be a part of it. I know others in the line behind us saw it too!

I also paid for a meal for someone, and that's when the little person sitting on my shoulder said, ok so what's my blessing going to be? And with that I took a deep breath in and said this wonderful day, this wonderful feeling of peace and love that God has given me is more than enough.

A simple act of kindness is all it takes to show God's love!

Friday, September 11, 2009

Living the Dream

For Sure!
Work, 4 kids, home, school and everything that goes along with it.
My #1 Dream is to see God!
I often in the past had to make myself slow down to fit God in. With my growth, strength and patience I have notice in time that I don't have to fit him in.
For 1 he is always there and 2 I listen always.
I am so thankful for growth and his guidance. Through him I grow daily, I learn daily and I live daily! He is always on my mind in everything I do. From feeling guilty about my road rage to yelling at the kids to singing praise while doing laundry.
I love that I am free to live it! Thank you Lord!

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Woo What a Weekend.....Tuesday Oops!

So Monday was Labor Day and we were out having fun, so it's Tuesday and here's a review of our long weekend.

Friday we were off to Mena for a few short days. Hung out with all the grandma's and aunts and uncles. Had lots of fun!

Saturday was jam packed! First off to see mamaw and nana, then back to grandma's to go to the fair. The kids rode rides and saw all the farm animals. I stayed at nana's and me and Hannah got all the good ready for Jamie's baby shower.
The shower was fun and my One and Only hubby won the baby changing contest. All clothes and diaper on the right way in 57 seconds. And no he wasn't even rough with the baby.
Then the family went down to grandpa's grave and put the headstone down. We sand the Lords Prayer and talked about ways we remember our Po.

Then Sunday was a run, run, run day. Got up, started packing, went and loaded the new furniture we got from Nana, then back to grandma's to finish packing and head to papaw Jim's for a cookout. The cookout was fun. Marcus caught 4 fish in the pond, Natalie and Bella played with all their cousins and Aden was passed from person to person so he wouldn't knock anything down at papaws and break it.

Then by 3 we were headed home! It was a long trip. I never like the trips when we all aren't together in the same vehicle. Although Natalie was good company when she was awake. :)

Home to unpack and go grocery shopping! FINALLY!

Friday, September 4, 2009

Momma loves the Lovin!

I always wondered what do those parents do to those kids who are so lovey? Their kids want their parents to hold them and give hugs and give kisses. My oldest 4 just weren't fans. They would give hugs or give kisses, but man they wanted to be put down so they could run. No cuddling, unless they were already asleep.

My little Aden is the love bug. He loves his mommy! I am SO enjoying him loving on me and wanting me to hold him and when he just lays his little head on my chest, or opens that slobbery mouth to give kisses it just melts my heart!

Maybe he just knew that he is the baby and the last baby, so give mom some love!

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Here we go Again......

So I have been trying to decide weather or not to talk about all this sickness CRAP or not. I feel it is a part of my life right now, it's a huge struggle, but something I need support and prayer about, so here it all is.

Iam actually a little frightened this go round. I know whatever is to happen will happen. I am in God's hands always.

Now all my life I have had a sensitive stomach so I called it. A little over 2 years ago I started having have big problems with my stomach. Had all kinds of wonderful expensive tests ran, and when I say lots I mean lots by 2 different specialist. In the end it came down to I have Gilbert’s disease, which makes me turn jaundice, and ended up taking Nexium for 3 months when the symptoms finally eased. They also decided that my stomach doesn't digest food quiet as fast as it should so therefore I have to watch what I eat and can't take ANY pill form of vitamin. My stomach gets irritated VERY easily b/c the food or what ever sits there too long.

So it's been a little over 2 years and a few weeks ago I thought I had the same stomach flu that everyone else in NWA had. But then it didn't go away and so after a week of it and dizziness so bad I couldn't walk I finally went to the Dr. They thought I had a bacterial infection in my stomach. After coming home and talking to Frank about everything we realized it was the same thing hitting me again, after 2 years.

This time there are more symptoms and they are a lot more severe than they were before. I have since been to the Dr. 3 times in 2 weeks, had blood tests 3 times, among some other not so fun tests, x-rays, and an ultrasound. All for a huge amoung of $, just so they could tell me they don't know it's something beyond what they can do. So I have to go back to the specialist and have some of the same test done all over again.

I am a little frustrated this go round if you couldn't tell. Throughout my life I have been sick a lot. The only times I was actually really healthy is when I am pregnant. Since I had my last baby I told Frank I don't want to get sick any more, I want to get healthy. Exercise and eat right.
This sickness comes and goes as it pleases. Some days I feel fine like nothing is wrong, other days I can't get off the floor b/c I am so lathargic. I HATE it. I don't have the time, patience, money or stomach for it. <-- Ha Ha stomach for it.

Anyways, that's my rant about it. There isn't very good outcomes for what all this leads too, so I am very frustrated with my body. I know God is in control, he is my healer and I give it to him daily. Just today and many days I need to rant.

Monday, August 31, 2009

Just Me Being Goofy!

I found this fun website were you can add fun effects to your pictures. This was fun for me! Check out my funny pics!

Too Funny!

What a Weekend Monday!

Frank and I both said last night, Man does it really have to be Sunday night already. :)

We had a fun filled weekend. Our baby boy is trying to walk, he has 2 teeth and keeps falling with all his toys because he wants to stand up with them.

Friday night mom, Natalie, Bella and dad went to the Elm Tree Fun night for Natalie's school. The girls had fun and got lots of goodies! It was nice to just have a night with the girls. Marcus and Aden hung out with Mamaw at home.

Saturday morning me, Mamaw and Natalie got up and went to some awesome garage sales (haven't got to do that in forever). We had lots of fun. Then went home and showed everyone our goodies we had found. That made the kids day. :) Mamaw loaded up and went back home. Dad and Marcus headed down to Springdale for the Ozone Block Party for some games and a concert by The Wedding. They had fun! It was a beautiful day for being outside. When they got home we cleaned up the house and all started cooking for our company! The Keeton's came over to hang out and us mom's talked about our Christian Kids life group! 3 1/2 hours of fun. The kiddo's played outside, played with Elvis and ran all over the house being silly. All had fun!

Sunday we got up and got everyone ready for a late service at church. Had a great service!! Looking forward to God's leading and blessings. Then we spent the rest of the day being lazy at home. I think I took like 3 mini naps. :)

Weekends are always great when you have blessing, friends and family time!

Friday, August 28, 2009

Oh Ya, New Hair Do :)

I also cut myself some bangs yesterday, he he. Totally shorter than planned, but I can go with it.

Many Blessings

This week has been a roller coaster. So much going on mentally and physically.

I have still been struggling with the stomach junk. Went to the Dr. on Monday and he is fixing me up! Lots of prayers and healing happening already! Thank you Lord!

Marcus us still loving school. That is very much a blessing. This child has loathed (?) school from Kindergarten. Actual fighting and all involved in getting him to go and participate. Just years of prayers. They are paying off in God's good time. Middle School of all times (what I thought would be the worst)(on ye of little faith). He is loving it, getting involved in everything possible, going to bed without us having to tell him, getting up in the mornings and getting ready without war. Like I said an absolute blessing!! So proud of him. Also he is going on an overnight Science field trip and has been asking Frank if he could go too. We all just found out yesterday that Frank is able to take off work and go. A blessing as well!! Thank you God for giving Frank a job that allows him to have the family time we have!!

Natalie was a little bummed this week b/c her Cheer practice got canceled due to rain. :( But her school carnival is tonight and we will be having some mommy daughter time to go to that. She is happy about it. She is a pretty happy girl. Not to much really gets her down.

Little miss Bella has had an exciting week. Since she didn't get much while the older kids were getting all their back to school stuff, this week her mamaw gave her some money and she got to go shopping. We got her 2 new outfits that are too cute, and yesterday at Sam's she got a wipe away ABC book. Came home and did almost the whole book. She loves writing and coloring!

And OH Mister Aden. Gettin so big. He is pulling up on everything. Finally got 2 teeth to come through. Loves to JUMP! He will be walking before long. Always very happy. LOVES to be around any of his brothers and sisters. His favorite place is Marcus' room. :)

Just saying Thank you to our Awesome God for all the blessings in my life. Love my life, love my family, love my God!

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Sickness is just Sick.

Sick - In poor health, Mentally unstable, disturbed, Having an urge to vomit, In poor condition.
All just sounds so wonderful, RIGHT?!?!

For some reason this word has been a part of my life, well all my life.

As a child I was always missing school because of being sick. When most kids don't get the measels, mumps or chicken pox, you can bet I did. Strep throat, constant sinus problems.

I Hate Being Sick! I am Totally SICK of being SICK.
The only time in my life that I was truely healthy was when I was pregnant all 4 times. Aside from the normal pregnancy pains, aches and weight I was always perfectly healthy.
I have a prayer that I normally pray for my friends, but oddly enough have not prayed it for myself. So today I am saying my friend prayer for myself along with any other friends in need!
"And the prayer offered in faith will make the sick person well; the Lord will raise him up. If he has sinned, he will be forgiven. Therefore confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous man is powerful and effective." James 5:15-16 (NIV)

Dear Lord, You know my friend/family member so much better than I do. You know his/her sickness and the burden he carries. You also know his heart. Lord, I ask you to be with my friend now, working in his life. Let your will be done in my friend's life. If there is a sin that needs to be confessed and forgiven, Lord, please help him to see his need and confess. Lord, I pray for my friend because your Word says I should pray for his healing. I believe you hear this earnest prayer from my heart and that it is powerful because of your promise. I have faith in you to heal my friend, but I also trust in the plan you have for his life. Lord, I don't always understand your ways, and why my friend has to suffer, but I trust you. I ask that you look with mercy and grace toward my friend. Nourish his spirit and soul in this time of suffering and comfort him with your presence. Let my friend know you are there with him through this difficulty. And may you be glorified in his life and also in mine. Amen
I am having 100% faith and believing that this sickness and any and all sickness will stay away from my body. I will have strength and health, and I will know and do the right things with my body to stay that way.
No more junk for me!

Friday, August 21, 2009

Good Griefs.....

So it's offically the end of the kiddo's summer.
I am sad that the summer is over actually. Since the kiddo's went to camp I feel like I missed most of their summer. We did do alot together though. A quick review for the kids.

Lets see......

We lost my grandpa the first few weeks of summer. It was pretty rough on me. The hardest thing, biggest lesson in life for me that's for sure. During this time the kids met cousins they never knew they had. :)

Frank did take the kiddo's camping and we have some good pics from that. They had fun with all their friends. 3 families 7 kids!

We went to Silver $ City, the kids actaully went 2 times, once with grandma and grandmommy. Of course the one time we are not with the kids and Marcus rides the 2 biggest roller coasters ever and we missed it. :( YEA for Marcus though! You Rock!

We went to the zoo. Bella's first trip and she had lots of fun. She thought seeing all those animals was so cool. Actually Natalie also got to go 2 times. Once she went with our life group friends.

We went to the Mid America Science Museum in Hot Springs.

Marcus got to stay a week in Mena with his Mamaw and Aunt Hannah.

We went to the grape festival, which we haven't been to in at least 5 years.
And they both went to Camp War Eagle which they LOVED, AND they went to church camp at Dry Gulch.

So even though it flew for me and I missed them, they are at that age. They had lots of fun and stayed busy. Didn't drive me too crazy. Well no more than I already am. :)
So Marcus and Natalie you definately can't say you had a boring summer or that you never get to do anything.

Mom loves you!!

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Rainy Day

Rain, Rain Stay Today
I am SO enjoying this lazy day!

I have been snuggled under my blanket most of the day. The kiddo's have been coming and going. They will go play for a while and then come back over and lay around and mug on me, then off to play again.

This is the life!

Monday, August 17, 2009

Am I missing it?

I want to scream. I am so confused. I feel like I am missing it. Who am I? What am I suppose to do? What do I want to do?

I know why.

I am not listening. I am not giving my whole heart. I feel guilty. I am ashamed. I am trying to do it myself.

I need you Lord, right now today. I am giving it all to you. My guilt, my fears, my sadness, my worries, all of me Lord. I know I can't do it on my own. I know I need you always. I am turning my I's into You Lord. I am broken, I am lost at the moment, I am deaf. I am letting go right now. I pray for you will open my heart, open my ears, open my mind so that I can hear you Lord. I pray for your guidance, love, mercy today. All I know means nothing with you Lord.

I place my children in your hands Jesus. I plead the blood of Jesus over them as they venture into this new year. I ask that they will always remember YOU Jesus.

I place my finances in your hands Jesus. I give these worries to you, because I know you will take care of us. You will show us our real needs and provide for us.

I give you my husband today Jesus. I pray your will and guidance will be done in this life. I ask that you will continually work in his heart Lord.

I give you all Jesus. Love me, Guide me, Lead me Lord.

In your Precious Name,


What a Weekend Monday!

This weekend flew! I can't believe it's already Monday.

Friday night was pretty laid back, we had dinner at home, cleaned up a little and then went and found another nice park in Bentonville. The kids had fun with dad playing on the monkey bars! So fitting. :)

Saturday morning we were up for breakfast and getting ready to go pick up Marcus' football equip. and meet the coaches and team. Well the 1 hour trip turned into a practice and we were there for 2 1/2 hours. Marcus had fun, did really well, and is super excited about this season. They have 4 practices this week to get ready for a scrimmage they will be having this Saturday at Tiger Stadium. So of course the 4 days a week sounds like nothing compared to this opportunity. We will see if he feels the same way come Thursday. I am thinking he might not be able to walk. We go and meet his teacher tonight and he starts, as I have said a million times, MIDDLE SCHOOL on Wednesday.
Then Saturday night we went to a friends house and hung out, ate dinner and played some Dance Revolution! Ha that is too fun. I am sure we will be investing in that game soon.

So Sunday comes and I am up and getting ready to head to church and the more I am up the more I am thinking man, my stomach is really hurting and I feel really dizzy. Within an hour I am so dizzy I can't see, feel like I am going to faint, and my stomach is in some hard pain. Needless to say we did not make it to church. I was in bed ALL day. Haven't felt so helpless in a long time. Frank did a good job of not killing the kids and not letting them kill each other.

This Monday morning I am feeling somewhat better and the house and laundry HAS to be cleaned, so here I am waiting for the dryer to beep yet again!

Welcome New Week!!

Friday, August 14, 2009

Remember When

Ok, so in my last remember when post I had said that these would be done on Wednesday. Well since I can't seem to keep a schedule for ANYTHING to save my life I am going to do it whenever I decide I have the time. :)

So for today I remember when:

Natalie took a dance class at the fitness center, and she was SO excited! We got the clothes, the shoes and the dance bag and she was set. Well in this class you weren't suppose to go in to watch you could only stand at the door and peek into a window that was usually already taken. So we signed Marcus up for a class and we would sit around the corner from Natalie and wait for them. One day I was just dying to see her and what she was learning (from what I had been seeing at home it wasn't an actually routine). So I stood their behind the other moms looking impatient to have my turn at the window before class was over and peek in. When I did get to peek in I see all the girls in a line dancing. Then over in the far corner I see little miss Natalie over there doing her own little dance watching herself in the mirror. So innocent and sweet. That's my Natalie just going with the flow.....her own little flow. :)

I remember when Bella got to be big enough to have a toddler bed. We were given one from a friend and we sat it up in Natalie's room. For about a month she did so well. She was so proud. Then one night we hear a very faint noise coming from the girls room. We go in there and Bella is asleep on top of Natalie and Natalie can't move. It was so cute. This happened almost every single night for about 2 weeks. We would have to go in and put her back into her bed to sleep. Natalie didn't want her to be moved into another room, but we eventually had to b/c poor little Natalie wasn't getting enough sleep. Now that's sisterly love.

When Natalie was born and Marcus got to see her for the first time. He was such a cutie and so proud. His grandma was holding her when he came into the room and he came over and gave me a hug and we said look what grandma has. He walked over and saw Natalie and kissed her on the head and then went and climbed up onto the sofa that was in the room and said he wanted to hold her. So Frank's mom sit her in his lap and that was it. For almost an hour straight he told everyone that she was his baby and would not let anyone else hold her.

I remember when Aden was born and they handed him to me I was taken by surprise. Almost like a where did you come from. That little angel came out looking like his momma. It was such a surprise. ALL the other babies came out with big cheeks, dark skin and dark hair looking just like their daddy. Little Aden had a little bit of blond hair, big cheeks, light skin and looking just like momma when she was born. Such blessings!

Memories, I am so blessed with wonderful memories!

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

New Things on this Journey

Oh My Marcus!
Oh my goodness I am in AW that I have a son that is fixing to be in 5th grade, which if you didn't know is MIDDLE SCHOOL. (Screams......LOTS of Screams) I have been praying about this day for about a year now. I am doing as I always do and putting my son in God's hands. Marcus is a fairly good kid. He has a good heart and honestly doesn't know how to really be bad. So I almost feel as if I am throwing him under the bus by sending him to Middle School. He is excited of course and I have faith in him. I have learned over the past few years to give the poor boy a little faith and trust. As hard for me as that is. I do trust him. So this weekend we will go and he will help pick out all the "cool" school supplies, and he will get some "cool" school clothes, and my son will go to his "cool" new middle school and hopefully he will remember his "cool" mom loves him and his "cool" Jesus is watching over him.

And My Natalie!
She started school last week and is loving it. Her NEW venture right now is cheerleading! So cute. Poor kid has never had any cheer, or dance or gymnastics or anything, but has now decided to take this one. She is somewhat girly, but more so NOT so. So for her first night she was being shy and quiet. So cute to see her out there doing all this girly stuff. The instructor looks at us moms and says did that look right? HA....HA HA. Hopefully she wasn't wanting me to give my input b/c I know NOTHING! Poor Natalie hopefully she will catch on and learn well from the instructor b/c that's her only chance. AND soccer sign ups are over. :)

So here's to my oldest kiddo's growing, learning and loving life!

Time to Breath

I am not so much a woman of patience, well for kids yes, but nonsense situations, slow drivers, hateful people, selfishness I am not. This is something I am working on. I have most of my life been a push over. Through my growing and learning I am SLOWLY learning to take time to breath. Count to 10 so to speak. :)
I want to serve God's people in ALL ways, not just the ways that are convenient for me. So I have been doing a lot of breathing lately. When put in difficult situations I have been trying very very hard to breathe first. I have learned even within the past week that breathing is so good. So much better than the alternate. Breathe, Go to God and breathe better!

Luke 21:19 In your patience possess ye your souls.
Rom 5:3-4 And not only so, but we glory in tribulations also: knowing that tribulation worketh patience; And patience, experience; and experience, hope
When the KJV Bible speaks of patience, it means to wait with a cheerful heart-

A Cheerful Heart!!

Monday, August 10, 2009

What a Weekend Monday!

We had a GREAT weekend!! As far back as I can remember I have always been one to want to make others happy. I always used to find ways to surprise my mom or my sister after I moved out of the house. I on the other hand have never been surprised. My instincts from growing up were to always know what was going on.

Well as of this past Friday that has changed!! I am HAPPY to say. I actually like surprises more than I ever thought I would. On Friday my Frank surprised me by coming home early. The funny part was that he was in the car and I knew he was in the car and not at work, but he had told me he had to go to another bldg. to do some work. To my surprise not 2 seconds after I hung up the phone he walked in the door. I was SO happy to see him! Then just a few hours later my sister pulls up at my house and surprises me. She wasn't suppose to be here until Sat. around noon sometime.

So we hung out and stayed up half the night talking. Which was much needed and enjoyed!

Saturday again was a very fun day! We got to go run around and go to some resale shops, which we LOVE to do. Found all kinds of good bargains!! Then came home ate some lunch and later in the afternoon took all the kids to the Grape Festival in Tontitown. We were a little worried that it was going to be too hot, or too crowded, or the kids wouldn't want to ride the rides. To our surprise as hot as it was (98degrees) we were having so much fun watching the kids have so much fun the heat didn't really bother us. Bella and Zachary had so much fun riding rides together! Aden and Bella slept 1/2 the time. Marcus rode so many spinning rides he swore off ever going to another fair and Natalie had a blast! I even got to eat Grape ice cream which I thought was pretty good. We went at the best time to b/c they had a special from 4pm-6:30pm that all rides were 1 ticket and we got 22 tickets for 20$! Can't beat that for a fair!

Sunday we were so happy that Hannah went to church with us. She did think the praise and worship was a little different, and that led to her being scared about the service. To her surprise she liked the sermon and even said her pastor had preached on the same thing. It was good for her to see that just because the people look different than she is used to, we all love God and are here for the same reasons.

After church we packed her up and she headed back home and we all relaxed at home for most of the afternoon. That evening Frank walked with the babies and I rode my bike with the older 2 (might I say I haven't done in a while and my booty is sore today).

We had a MUCH needed very FUN weekend!

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Remember When

Remembering when the kiddo's where little.......

My mind is more than gone I am sure these days. So many times I want to sit down and remember things and my mind is just blank, or thinking about other things that I need to do. So since I am now a blogger....well I am going to blog it.

I remeber when Natalie was just litte, not even walking yet, she would go into Marcus' room because she wanted to play with him and even though they didn't really play together she would just want to be in there. Her favorite thing to do was open his dresser drawers and throw all the clothes out onto the floor. She would just giggle and laugh.

I remember when Marcus got his first power wheels jeep for Christmas. He slept in the living room with it for like 2 nights.

I remember when Marcus was a baby and he had a big head full of blonde curls. Everyone thought he was a beautiful girl no matter what color I dressed him in. So then dad finally convinced mom to cut it and the curls have never come back.

I remember when Marcus used to get mad because Natalie always had to go where he went. Now Natalie says this weekly about Bella.

I remember when Marcus was about 4 or 5 and he would get in trouble, Natalie would go and try to sit with him in timeout. He never attempted to do the same for her though. :)

This makes my day remembering. I think this just might become an ongoing thing. I think I will call it Remember When Wednesdays! So fun. Now maybe I could dig through the photo boxes and find the pictures to go with the adventures!

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

UUUmmmm I think I'm freaking Out

** Warning....Kinda Gross Details**

So I have been on this wanting to loose weright kick, well kind of, in my mind anyways. I just haven't been able to get motivated to do it. So a while back Frank had bought me some weight loss pills to try (I have never taken ANY kind before) and I had tried them, but then there was a lot going on and I was traveling a lot and couldn't stay on schedule so I had quit taking them.

Well this morning I get up and say to myself I am starting over and this time I will do it right. So I get my healthy breakfast ready and my pill and take it with no problems, get on with my morning, did some exercies, cleaned some house, went outside to play and BAM! We are playing outside and all the sudden I feel this rush (I thought I was going to throw up it hit so fast). I couldn't figure out what was going on. I felt like I was shaking all on the inside and the insides were about to come out of my body. I couldn't figure out what was wrong. I had exercised, eaten breakfast and OOHHHHH taken pills. So I go and get the DIET/CRAZY pills so I can read the fine print and there is says CAFFEINE and LOTS of it. Man cokes have nothing on caffeine. I felt like I needed to jerk my body around so that it could keep up with all the freaking out my insides were doing.

Called Frank and said "I am freakin out man." After his good laugh he said ya that's a lot of caffeine for your little body. Ha Ha Ha

So needless to say I am going back to my old ways and exercise it is for me.

Hopefully. Maybe. HA..HA HA Good Luck to Mom.

Monday, August 3, 2009


When I was younger I wasn't that good of a friend. I didn't really know how to be a friend. There is a long road with stories to tell there. Of which I could be bitter and angry. But God has always given me peace and forgivness in my heart. I am happy to say that in my years I am learning how to have friends and more importantly how to be one. I am so thankful for this. I think a life without friends is lonely and sad.

When you find true friends always keep them close to your heart!

"A friend is a person with whom I may be sincere. Before him I may think aloud."
- Ralph Waldo Emerson

"It is one of the blessings of old friends that you can afford to be stupid with them."
- Ralph Waldo Emerson

"True friendship is a plant of slow growth, and must undergo and withstand the shocks of adversity before it is entitled to the appellation."
- George Washington

"It is not so much our friends' help that helps us as the confident knowledge that they will help us."
- Epicurus (341 - 270 BC) Greek philosopher.

"If you judge people, you have no time to love them."
- Mother Teresa

What a Weekend Monday!

Woo Hoo! The weekend flew. It was busy but so fun. Friday night was our last date night to lead. It was so fun and we had some great friends hang out with us. Then Saturday we Served God's people with the church. That was a great experience that our kids got to participate in. So proud for the opportunity. Afterwards we flew :) to Mena for a fun night with family.
I got to go out with Aunt Hannah, mamaw, nana and Merry for a girls night at the movies. We watched The Proposal and laughed ourselves silly. It was so funny and at some points imbarrasing to know that I was sitting there watching those scenes with my grandma and mom. But we really had a great time. Then on Sun. we headed back out to Nana's and had a good breakfast before getting back on the road to come home.

Everytime I am there I wish there was more time to be there and more ways to help. I am very thankful for the time I do have though.

Friday, July 31, 2009

The little Finger that Couldn't.....

My poor littlest Big Girl cut her finger on Wednesday afternoon and this is the little finger's story.

Well it started Thursday afternoon when all chaos hit the Welch house. Bella had cut her finger pretty bad and it was bleeding and bleeding and bleeding so we are trying to get it to stop bleeding, figure out if we need to go to the hospital, clean up the blood, get her to calm down, get the other 3 kids to calm down AND when Marcus picked up Aden from his walker, because he had started crying b/c he heard Bella crying, he had poop coming out of his diaper and the older kids paniced and laid him down on the floor b/c it was gross. ALL at the SaMe time. :) Of Course!

So mom is trying to be calm and not actually laugh about the whole situation or go NuTs. Because she can't believe this is all happened At The Same Time.

Anyways we finally get it all cleaned up Bella, Aden all the counters, sink and floor! It took us almost 40 minutes to get the poor little finger to stop bleeding and get a bandaid to stay on.

So later on in the afternoon it's time for bath. Bella is all ready for it, except she doesn't want me to touch her finger. Now I really would have just left it alone, but it had still been oozing blood and it was on the outside of the bandaid. I thought that if she got into the shower it would just start bleeding and the bandaid would just come off. So we slowly and in between fits get the bandaid off and the poor little finger started bleeding again. At this point we have yet to actually see how bad the cut is b/c we can't see it due to it keeps bleeding. Mom is throwing a fit b/c she thinks we should go to the Dr. just b/c it won't stop bleeding, but Dad says no he doesn't think it's needed. We get it into another bandaid and then we wrap it with some gauze and medical tape to try and make sure the bandaid stays on while in the shower. Thank Goodness it did and we made it through the night.

So now it's Thursday..... no major issues today. When we did take the old bandaid off it oozed quite a bit, but we immediately put another bandaid on.

This evening we are getting calm down and Mom, Dad, Bella and Aden are sitting on our bed playing and all the sudden I see blood on Aden's head, then on Bella's arm, then on mom's arm. This poor little finger had started bleeding AgAin. I was afraid somthing was wrong. So we try and get it cleaned up and it won't stop bleeding again, so Dad called the Dr., after hours hotline as I call it, and they tell us we should probably have it looked at since it just keeps bleeding.

SO off to the hospital dad, Marcus and Bella go at 9PM. Mom didn't go b/c she didn't know if she could handle it if Miss Bella had to get a stitch. (Iremember what they have to do to keep them still while stitching and I just knew Bella would freak out) So the Dr. says no stitches, but puts a thick hardening foam on it that is suppse to form to it like a band aid to help close it up and stop the bleeding. Frank says our little BiG girl did so good and didn't even cry at all. When the Dr. asked to see her finger, and cleaned it and put the stuff on it she just sat there being such a big girl. AND they were only gone for an hour and a half total. WOW!

My kiddo's are so tough. Everytime something mom panics about b/c she thinks the kids will panic they don't. They are so brave and tough. They are kinda like their momma they tough it up and put on a brave face.

So that's our adventure with the little finger that couldn't.

Thursday, July 30, 2009

My Wish for You!

A new school year and mom's nerves are on edge. My Natalie did so well last year almost all straight A's, just 1 B the last semester. She was so so proud. Will she do that well this year? Will she continue to love school and be able to make friends? And Marcus OMGoodness I have an 11 year old going into 5th grade.....YA in Middle School. I remember just saying to my sister in law that I am so not ready for all that when her son went in. Will he hate school? Will he get in with the wrong croud? What?When?Where?andHow?

So my wish, dream and prayer for my oldest children is this:

I pray you will wake up every morning and be humble, know that you are blessed and remember each day is the day God has made, please always rejoice and have joy in it. Be kind, keep your eyes, ears and heart open, remember God loves you and is watching over you. Listen and learn and be wise. Eat good, take care of yourself, take care of others and remember God loves you and is watching over you. And always remember mom and dad love you so so so so much and we are so proud of you and who you are.

There will be more prayers always, but this is for you to start this new year with. Please always come to us for anything because we can all do all things through Christ!

Love you Always!


Wednesday, July 29, 2009

To Do....

It's Natalie's last week before she goes back to school. She is so so excited. There are so many things to be done. This summer has flown by. It's Crazy.
  • We are taking Marcus to Mamaw's, Nana's and Aunt Hannah's this week to stay a week
  • Natalie starts school on Monday
  • Friday night is Date Night
  • Sat. we are Serving the Lord's people by handing out snacks and drinks at the local ER's

My goodness, we are definatly back on to our "NORMAL" lives. :)

Football season is almost here and Natalie is signing up for Cheerleading. This is sure to be a fun fall! We will update with pictures soon!

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Where we are.

Ok guys so it's the end of July 2009. This has been an interesting/hearbreaking/growing year so far. God has blessed us in many ways as the economy has been at it's worse and daddy still has his job and things have been great with it, we still have a home, we are all here together. The older 2 have done so great in school this year. The babies are healthy and getting big so fast and me, mom, I am here soaking it all in and learning to take life day by day and live through God.

We have had some trials also, as we lost Po in June. It was a struggle, but we know he will struggle no more and is living it up in Heaven with our father. It gave us strength as I think we have never had before. It opened my eyes to the bigger world. I love him so so much and can't wait for the day I will see him again.

Our big adventures for the year have been when Frank and the kids went campig for Father's Day weekend with some friends. They had a blast and got to go out on the boat and go tubing, we went to the zoo, the older 2 went to Camp War Eagle and LOVED it then a week later went to Dry Gulch with the church and LOVED that. We also got to go to Branson and the kids went to Silver $ City with their grandma's. Marcus rode Wild Fire and Powder Keg for the first time. He LOVED it.

We have been blessed this year. This is what we had and here's to looking at the rest of the year.

Living, Learning, Growing in Life

We all by nature think in the world's way. That is where we were born. But the world's way is backwards to reality. It is a fantasy world. When we are born into God's world we enter reality.

It's good to hear this from time to time. Because we do daily, weekly, monthly, hourly forget.

I have been growing in God all my life, learning life's lessons, growing up if you will. I often think, man if I could just write a book to make kids understand that when people say if I'd only known then what I know now. :)

This is why I am starting this blog. To hopefully tell, show, teach my children the ways of the world the way I learned and went through it.

It's an amazing journey to live and I hope they will have as much joy in life that I hope to give them.