I want to scream. I am so confused. I feel like I am missing it. Who am I? What am I suppose to do? What do I want to do?
I know why.
I am not listening. I am not giving my whole heart. I feel guilty. I am ashamed. I am trying to do it myself.
I need you Lord, right now today. I am giving it all to you. My guilt, my fears, my sadness, my worries, all of me Lord. I know I can't do it on my own. I know I need you always. I am turning my I's into You Lord. I am broken, I am lost at the moment, I am deaf. I am letting go right now. I pray for you will open my heart, open my ears, open my mind so that I can hear you Lord. I pray for your guidance, love, mercy today. All I know means nothing with you Lord.
I place my children in your hands Jesus. I plead the blood of Jesus over them as they venture into this new year. I ask that they will always remember YOU Jesus.
I place my finances in your hands Jesus. I give these worries to you, because I know you will take care of us. You will show us our real needs and provide for us.
I give you my husband today Jesus. I pray your will and guidance will be done in this life. I ask that you will continually work in his heart Lord.
I give you all Jesus. Love me, Guide me, Lead me Lord.
In your Precious Name,
Beautiful prayer, sounds like a prayer I need for my life to! God bless.