My poor littlest Big Girl cut her finger on Wednesday afternoon and this is the little finger's story.
Well it started Thursday afternoon when all chaos hit the Welch house. Bella had cut her finger pretty bad and it was bleeding and bleeding and bleeding so we are trying to get it to stop bleeding, figure out if we need to go to the hospital, clean up the blood, get her to calm down, get the other 3 kids to calm down AND when Marcus picked up Aden from his walker, because he had started crying b/c he heard Bella crying, he had poop coming out of his diaper and the older kids paniced and laid him down on the floor b/c it was gross. ALL at the SaMe time. :) Of Course!
So mom is trying to be calm and not actually laugh about the whole situation or go NuTs. Because she can't believe this is all happened At The Same Time.
Anyways we finally get it all cleaned up Bella, Aden all the counters, sink and floor! It took us almost 40 minutes to get the poor little finger to stop bleeding and get a bandaid to stay on.
So later on in the afternoon it's time for bath. Bella is all ready for it, except she doesn't want me to touch her finger. Now I really would have just left it alone, but it had still been oozing blood and it was on the outside of the bandaid. I thought that if she got into the shower it would just start bleeding and the bandaid would just come off. So we slowly and in between fits get the bandaid off and the poor little finger started bleeding again. At this point we have yet to actually see how bad the cut is b/c we can't see it due to it keeps bleeding. Mom is throwing a fit b/c she thinks we should go to the Dr. just b/c it won't stop bleeding, but Dad says no he doesn't think it's needed. We get it into another bandaid and then we wrap it with some gauze and medical tape to try and make sure the bandaid stays on while in the shower. Thank Goodness it did and we made it through the night.
So now it's Thursday..... no major issues today. When we did take the old bandaid off it oozed quite a bit, but we immediately put another bandaid on.
This evening we are getting calm down and Mom, Dad, Bella and Aden are sitting on our bed playing and all the sudden I see blood on Aden's head, then on Bella's arm, then on mom's arm. This poor little finger had started bleeding AgAin. I was afraid somthing was wrong. So we try and get it cleaned up and it won't stop bleeding again, so Dad called the Dr., after hours hotline as I call it, and they tell us we should probably have it looked at since it just keeps bleeding.
SO off to the hospital dad, Marcus and Bella go at 9PM. Mom didn't go b/c she didn't know if she could handle it if Miss Bella had to get a stitch. (Iremember what they have to do to keep them still while stitching and I just knew Bella would freak out) So the Dr. says no stitches, but puts a thick hardening foam on it that is suppse to form to it like a band aid to help close it up and stop the bleeding. Frank says our little BiG girl did so good and didn't even cry at all. When the Dr. asked to see her finger, and cleaned it and put the stuff on it she just sat there being such a big girl. AND they were only gone for an hour and a half total. WOW!
My kiddo's are so tough. Everytime something mom panics about b/c she thinks the kids will panic they don't. They are so brave and tough. They are kinda like their momma they tough it up and put on a brave face.
So that's our adventure with the little finger that couldn't.
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