This will be the longest update for sure. He has grown and changed SO much in the last year. I had no idea it would just change practially over night. It was like he was our little boy and then BOOM he had something stuck in his throat, and turned all hairy, OH and stinky. Bout gave me a nervous breakdown. I was totally not ready for all this. Never felt like I had to be a grown up until now. It honestly feels like I was that age yesterday. Although the things he has and is going through is lots different than what I went through.

Football was awesome this year! his team won the championship. Then they played a tournament in which he played offense and defense. He absolutely LOVED it! The very last game, which was the championship game he got hurt. They thought he broke his arm. Turned out to only be some very deep bruising.
He lives for that stuff.
Of course played basketball right after. Frank helped coach. Marcus did good. This season was a little hard for him. He was by far the tallest kid and got lots of fouls called for pretty much just standing there. Definataly tought him some things. There were some kids on the team that was new to playing ball and that was hard for him. He still loves it! Got hurt during this sport as well. Got elbowed in the chin one game and got some broken teeth and a jaw out of place. We are still going to the dentist and ortho to get this fixed.
The latest is that we just found out this week that he is having seizures. Had an episode at school and no one knew what was going on. They called the EMS and all. We thought he had an anxiety attack and just couldn't fingure out why. Then it happened again.....at school right in front of his teacher. Scared her. So then the Dr. visists started and she immediately said she thought is was a seizure. So far we have had an EEG done and he started a new medicine. I am very unsure and scared about the medicine part. There is so much bad to go along with the good. We are scheduled to meet and talk with the neurologist this Friday and also have an MRI done. He will also be having a EKG done next week sometime.
This is very hard for him. He is VERY active and now can't even go to school. They have asked that he not come until we could have an idea of what was going on so they could know how to handle it. He can't do anything in the water for a while. Just lots of changes happening at once. It's been a major change for all of us.
He is growing WAY to fast for me. So ready to take on the world all by his self. I'm scared and praying for peace in my mind daily. I remember when he was younger I wanted him to not be shy and just go out and play.
I so wish he could just sit right here with me and play and that would be enough.